I don't know how long I've been longing, yearning to go to Italy- Let's just say since the day I could say cappuccino. So for the first time I embarked to Milan, Italy with two of my amigas, high hopes, and my incredibly small ryaniar approved luggage. And by luggage I mean school backpack. This proposed 2 problems. One I've never packed that lightly and 2 we were headed to the fashion capital....with no room to bring fashionable clothes. Minor setback. The first night we stayed in Bergamo and the next day we took a day trip to Lake Como. It was a perfect sunny day and the town was simply enchanting. That evening we boarded the train to Milan with no real idea of where we would end up sleeping that night. It's quite hard to navigate a strange city with a language barrier and shotty iphone wifi service. Simultaneously one of us would ask direction in spanish, english and broken Itanlian. And by broken Italian I mean all we knew how to say was D'ove(where).
After a lot of aimless walking and a pick-me-up gelato we ended up at a low scale hotel (as there are NO hostels in Milan). We ended up bartering with a less then pleased hotel staff but eventually got a decent room rate. Lets just say they weren't pleased with us. We started the first night in a suite with a terazza and 3 beds...only to end up the 3rd night in a one bed, no toilet, shackle of a room. Each night they offered the same rate, 25 euros. Who knows.
Lake Como |
Regardless I became absolutely enchanted with Milan. During the days we walked the city, gaped at the architecture, studied the fashion and ate pizza like pros. During the nights we hung out with our Italian friends (Friends of my good friend Zack Cram). Real nice people. They took us to a happenin club the first night where we had drinks and great conversation. The next night we ordered in pizza and played their favorite American drinking game(kings) (I don't think there is such a thing as Italian drinking games). The last night they cooked us authentic Italian pasta and fish. We love those Italian men, so appreciative of them for showing us a good time and for showing us their city!
Our Italian friends! The best company and the best pizza! |
We were living the good life until we ended up sleeping in the airport to save money the last night. Reality sunk in but not without a few good laughs and the company of some nice french boys. The whole Milan airport was lined with traveling overnighters. We could barley find a spot to post up!
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